The Swedish Internet Foundation

The Swedish Internet Foundation is an independent, private foundation that works for the positive development of the internet. We are responsible for the Swedish top-level domain .se and the operation of the top-level domain .nu, and our vision is that everyone in Sweden wants to, dares to and is able to use the internet.

Människor i ett mötesrum


Making the domain name system more secure has always been a priority for The Swedish Internet Foundation. Read more about how our research team DNS-Labs continue to play a leading role in the work for a more robust internet.

Staplar ligger ordnade i snö.

Domain statistics

The Swedish Internet Foundation publishes current-to-date statistics on our operations. Here you will find the latest information on everything from growth rates regarding the Swedish top level domain to the percentage of the domain market for our registrars.

Olika verktyg ligger på bord.

Tech tools

In order to help engineers and administrators to increase quality in their part of the system we provide several tools and services.

About us

Who we are and how to contact us.

Anställda på Internetstiftelsen fikar vid ett bord.

This is us

The Swedish Internet Foundation is an independent, private foundation that works for the positive development of the internet. Read more about us here.

Man sitter vid ett bord och pratar mobiltelefon.


You can find contact and address information for The Swedish Internet Foundation here.

Kvinna intervjuar man


You can find the latest press information from The Swedish Internet Foundation here.


Learn more about how to see if a domain is free, and how to register a .se or .nu domain.

Två män tittar på en datorskärm på kontor.

How to register a domain name

It's easy to register your own domain name! In this guide, we tell you how to do it. Start with checking if the name you want to register is available!

Man med kostym och slips sitter framför en laptop i ett konferensrum

Who takes responsibility for content online?

The Swedish Internet Foundation work actively to spread information and knowledge to the public, as well as to legislators and the judiciary, so that they can develop effective tools to counter illegal content online.

Dispute resolution

If you believe that someone else has registered a .se or a .nu domain to which you are entitled, you can appeal the allocation of the domain name retroactively.

Mobilanvändare som surfar.

Dispute resolution

The "first come, first serve" principle applies when allocating .se and .nu domain names.

bullfika med två kaffekoppar.

Dispute resolution for .se

As of June 26, 2017, ADR for the toplevel domain .se will be administered by WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization).

Ett handslag mellan två personer

Dispute resolution for .nu

Occasionally, disputes arise about who is entitled to register a domain name. For such disputes, the .nu domain name employs the Uniform Domain-Name Dispute-Resolution Policy – UDRP.


For new and existing registrars, The Swedish Internet Foundation has a separate website, the Registrar Web .

händer håller en mobiltelefon vid ett bord.

Become a registrar for .se and .nu

The Swedish Internet Foundation works in accordance with a business model called the registry-registrar model, which is an internationally established standard for top-level domains.

Hand av lego pekar till vänster. is the industry organization for the registrars of The Swedish Internet Foundation, the only association in the Swedish registrar and web hosting industry.

Många sladdar.

Tech articles

If you want to deepen your knowledge of DNS-Labs work, you will find lots of technical articles on everything from DNSSEC to xmlint.